Sport Center

Noah School takes pride in providing state-of-the-art facilities to ensure that our students receive a well-rounded education. One such facility is the sports center, which is a hub of activity for our students who are interested in sports and fitness.

The sports center is a spacious facility that houses a variety of equipment to cater to different sports. The center features a full-sized basketball court, a volleyball court, a badminton court, and a futsal court. We also have a well-equipped gym with a range of weightlifting and cardio equipment, making it a perfect place for students to work on their fitness.

Our sports center is not just about providing equipment and facilities, but also about encouraging our students to participate in different sports activities. We have a team of experienced coaches who are passionate about helping students develop their skills and reach their sporting potential. They offer coaching sessions and organize tournaments and matches, creating a platform for students to showcase their talent.

Overall, the sports center at Noah School is a fantastic facility that provides students with opportunities to stay active, enhance their skills, and make new friends. It is a testament to our commitment to providing a holistic education that nurtures the mind and body of our students.


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